It's ok, I know it comes from a place of love. <3
this man fucks
I also smoke cigarettes' and drink beer.
take me back
where the grass is green and the girls are pretty
i too can't stand sweaters
severely disappointed you didn't say jam bam wow more though
Actually not a single time, I misreciprocated the bam from the beginning!!!
Yeah F sweaters. Represent!!!
oh man this should've been the finale
all of it... leading to aalasteir. just imagine.
I'm having too much fun listening!
certified hood classic
making it out of the hood with this one
HELL YEAH! All thanks to you too good dude!
good song rip alex
alex was good.
Completely forgot about inktober this year, as soon as I remembered it existing I came here. Will be catching up to the previous ones in the next few days. Always love these, and this tradition. Cheers CD!
Heeey good to see you here Kolumbo! :D Glad you remembered! Even got a FP one of the dailies this year man, got a few good ones at least, hope you enjoy!
Oh damn, didn't see such a chill beat. Loved it. Probably should've read the description first. Very nice combination of calm music and, well, less calm vocals. Gotta catch up on these
S3C's the master of chill. :) Serene scenes like civilization sleeping in the ash we rebuild... ah these descriptions are mostly folly though, fueled by the muse and music but not truly too deep.
Thank's for stopping by man! Hopefully a few more good ones in the backlog this year...
I am the world,
I am the children
Joined on 5/13/10