how's it going bros my name is pewdiepie
another year's passed, and I'm now officially OLD. it sucks, but let's not talk about that; a lot of cool stuff happened this year - so prepare for a wall of links and a few paragraphs here and there ALRIGHT LET'S GO
started the year same as any other, not really doing anything, but this time that period was somehow filled with some projects - old and new, some were mine, some were STOLEN and some were just helping out people on their stuff
after that, I did two games (I'm no programmer btw lol) - one for the Flash Forward jam, and the other for Pico Day. both of these were very well received and even placed highly in their respective events. absolutely insane, really, as I never thought I'd see the day where one of my things ends up securing a spot among the top Pico Day submissions - my 13-year-old self is screaming right now. thanks again, everyone, for the support and I hope to see you relatively soon with some bigger and better stuff
the story of how these got made is intertwined and short, so I'll just get that over with real quick ok? please bear with me;
was gonna do a Nene's Interactive Suicide ripoff for Flash Forward, and when I got Flash up and running again after a loooong time, nostalgia won and I simply had to go through my NG Dump and look at old stuff. got two friends to do it as well, and with that the idea to present old .swf files was born. decided to go with a Windows XP (fuck you frutigerbros, XP is king) aesthetic and, well, things got out of hand.
at one point, while working on the Professional Edition update, I wanted to remake Pico's School and have it inside Windowz. this didn't happen, obviously, mostly due to me underestimating the amount of time and work needed to pull it off. Tom threatening to kill me and my family over music didn't help either, so we (@MihaP and me) wrapped the update up as soon as possible, cutting some stuff we had planned.
a bit later, as Pico Day was approaching - I figured it's time to resurrect that Pico's School remake idea, and it ended up morphing into Citizen Pico: Pico's School IV - which admittedly was supposed to be a lot bigger and have actual puzzles instead of just dragging boxes around, but hey, I did the whole thing in less than a week - and I'm no programmer. it is what it is, and I'm happy with it.
around the same time as the aforementioned games, I got a chance to fuck around with some @PukeBomb stuff (thanks to my best friend @septicsebi) which was pretty cool as I've been a fan for I guess a few years now. all of these are certified BEST PukeToons and this is an objective fact, not up to debate.
(still waiting on that frontpage btw WE WERE ROBBED)
I also bought out the company, but more on that some other time.
spent the entire summer in a borderline empty mountain village (pop. ~50 elderly people + me) growing peppers and daydrinking. it was epic, but it wasn't fruitless (and no, I don't mean the peppers)
did a bunch of stuff while up there, most notable of which is hands down the second NGTV collab - NGTV Summer Bash
huge thanks to everyone who came on board and made this project a reality - it was a step up from the first collab and a blast to work on. very grateful people trusted me on another one of these after I butchered the first one - hope the subsequent projects made up for that.
as the end of the season was nearing, I decided to resurrect the beloved hit series Ducks n Drugs with BRAND NEW wackyzany adventures EVERY MONDAY lol
I also got to do the thumbnail for @scottwjsm's DS Collab. was working on a submission, but a series of unfortunate events stopped me from ever finishing it. oh well, maybe next time, I'm just glad I got to participate in any capacity:
December was a huge month for me! the third NGTV collab came out on Christmas Day - with a Tankmas premiere (courtesy of my best friend @MrShmoods - or as I like to call him, MrSchroods) and it's a fucking beast! full of cameos, surprises, and great shorts - it's one of the biggest things I've worked on. clocking in at 109 minutes, it's basically an anthology feature. this was completely unexpected, though, and it caught me off-guard - but somehow we pulled through and got it done on time.
one of the surprises I mentioned above is none other than A Charlie Brown Christmas Reanimated - a project that was slowly cooking throughout the entire year. at times it seemed like we wouldn't make it, but somehow we did. unlike NGTV itself, this one was a secret/closed collab - meaning I had to stay on top of not only getting it done in time, but also getting everyone involved. it was a lot of invites, a lot of talking, and a lot of scheduling shenanigans - but we did it. we fucking did it. I've used all the lil tricks I learned over the years to make it happen, and seems it paid off.
I can't put into words how thankful I am to everyone who contributed to this (these?) project (projects?) and making it (them?) grow to this size, giving us all a chance to say we were in a project with Tom Fulp himself!
speaking of the Tom Fulp cameo, huge thanks to my best friend @NickSenny for handling the filming, and of course @TomFulp for actually agreeing to do it!
it was all very last minute, and I forgot to let Tom know about the script and the props/costumes - but even without prior knowledge of these things, he was great and, from what I hear, pretty lax about it. legend shit!
oh shit almost forgot - I also made my cartoon, DONOR, with minor help from @bro-son - thanks man!
and that brings us to the very last thing of the year, a PukeVisualNovel
this was originally supposed to be something else, and I wasn't even involved with it - but things fell through, and I jumped on board to put it together last-minute so their (actually) hard work doesn't go to waste. not a big fan of the genre, but for what it is - I'd say this one's pretty cool.
2024 was by far my biggest & most active year on NG! made some friends, made some stuff, and made a bunch of hotsauce.
sure, I've made some mistakes too, mostly regarding people I associated and/or worked with, who turned out to be pieces of shit in one way or another, and even though all of that's over now and they're gone from my projects - I'm a grudge-holding guy, you know - so I'd like to extend a Special Fuck You to them. you know who you are. fuck you.
that's all folks!
no, wait, hold on!!!!!
can't end the post on a "fuck you" - come on.
so uh what's next????????
some big things are happening, and also some bigger things.
I'm not allowed to talk about them yet, I don't think, plus not everything is set in stone right now - but hey, be on a lookout - trust me. will make a proper update regarding this stuff when the time comes.
one of these things should have its festival run this year, if all goes well, and it's about damn time! we were working on this for years now, and it's my first experience with working on a studio-backed project, rather than just silly online stuff. should've taken less time, but we had a lot of issues early on in production because of Covid, and things just never got back on track afterwards.
I got interviewed by @Aalasteir recently - go read about my sick pepper sauces and stuff:
here's this cool NGTV Christmas Marathon poster by @PD-Cartoons & @Medvis to end the post BYE

btw how do I recover from being old???!!!?!???! pls help